Responsibility to Informants
No information obtained from individual informants, which includes their identity, shall be revealed either directly or indirectly, other than to the persons engaged in the administration, checking or processing of the research for service provision. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure the informant and others closely associated with him, are as individuals in no way embarrassed or adversely affected as a direct result of any interview or interviews, or of any other communication concerning the co-operation.
Client Confidentiality
Unless authorised to do so by the client, or instructed by a Court of Law, the PCB shall not reveal to informants, nor to any other person not directly concerned with the work of the study, the identity of the client commissioning performance. Unless the prior consent of the client has been obtained, any findings derived from the co-operation, other than published information, shall not be disclosed at any time by the PCB to any person other than to the client commissioning. This refers only to studies and co-operation exclusively commissioned by a specific client or clients, and not to methodological analyses, so long as there is no disclosure of any research findings.
Publication Reports and other documents relevant to the project provided by the PCB are normally for use within the client wish or its associated agents (including the client’s marketing, advertising, and other relevant and duly authorised consultants, agents or advisors), or other previously nominated recipients. If the client intends a wider circulation of the results of a representation, either in whole or part, the PCB must be informed, and is entitled to refuse permission for its name to be quoted in connection with the study until:
a) it has approved the exact form and contents of the publication or circulation, and
b) it has agreed with the client what (further specified) information may be provided by the PCB to recipients of this wider circulation on request.
Mutual Responsibilities
In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, representation specifications provided by a client, and proposals provided by an agency at the request of a client when the agency receives neither commission nor payment for the proposals, remain the property of the client or PCB respectively. Their contents may not be revealed to third parties without permission.
Records Completed records shall be the property of the PCB. The agency shall be entitled to destroy such records without reference to the client two years, but no sooner, after the end of fieldwork.
Terms & Conditions Reference to PCB will mean the Polish Council for Britain
Scope of terms of business All work undertaken by or on behalf of PCB for clients is subject top the following terms of business unless they have been varied by any agreement entered into by a person (or persons) empowered to act on behalf of PCB
Sub contractors Wherever possible PCB will endeavour to meet the wishes of clients in respect of sub-contractors or associates. However, the company reserves the right to employ or change sub-contractor and associates at any time. References to the utilisation of particular sub-contractor or associates in proposals or other documents shall imply only that PCB has consulted and plans to utilise the nominee but does not amount to a contractual guarantee of their use.
Fees & Expenses All sums payable to PCB as fees and expenses shall be paid within thirty days of the date of invoice rendered. PCB shall be entitled to charge interest on all sums outstanding after thirty days at the rate of 3% above that of the London Clearing Bank’s current rate. All payment shall be made in the currency in which the fee is quoted. PCB shall be entitled to charge VAT or other applicable tax or duty on the services provided at the rate prescribed by law at the date of invoice irrespective of whether or not this rate, tax or duty was included in any prior Proposal, quotation or invoice.
Force Majeure
If, in the opinion of PCB and at any stage of a commissioned project, force majeure renders its further conduct or completion impossible or seriously impaired, then after consultation with the client, the contract will be terminated forthwith or renegotiated. In such circumstances, PCB shall invoice that client for all fees and expenses arising out of the termination including any unavoidable commitments entered into in order to complete the contract. Naturally, all reasonable efforts will be made to minimise the impact, on the client, of outside events beyond the control of PCB
Termination or Breach by Client
If, following verbal and written acceptance of a Proposal or other offer made by PCB , the client shall unilaterally terminate or modify the project such that, in the opinion of PCB , its ability to complete the project is significantly impaired or reduced then PCB ’s obligations will cease forthwith. Further PCB will be entitled to invoice the client for all fees and expenses arising out of the termination and any other unavoidable commitments entered into in order to complete the contract.
Contractual Limits
In all dealings with clients, written and verbal, any information, comment or interpretations are made by PCB in good faith. However, no such statements are to be deemed an undertaking, warranty or contractual commitment and PCB accepts no liability for any consequential losses arising from the work performed by PCB whether through PCB ’s negligence or otherwise.
Copyright relating to all documents produced by PCB market intelligence remains with PCB No such document shall be copied or published or disseminated to any third party (in whole or in part) without the prior written approval of PCB
All documents produced by PCB will be treated by PCB as confidential to the client or clients concerned. However, in relation to proposals or other offer documents submitted by PCB but which do not lead to a commissioned project, PCB reserves the right to utilise part or all of the comments in submissions to other prospective clients or for use by themselves. Excluded from the above provision are projects undertaken by PCB at the company’s own initiative and made available to clients on a subscription basis. PCB may use selected material from such projects to publicise them and in an endeavour to attract subscriptions.
These terms of business and all document arrangements and agreements to which they apply shall be subject to and construed in accordance with English Law.